Adsorption School - 10th Brazilian Meeting on Adsorption
In Brazilian Meeting on Adsorption, the development of human resources and the interest of undergraduate and graduate are highlighted by carrying out the School of Adsorption. As its name implies, in the school lessons on various areas of adsorption are taught by professors from educational and research institutions and companies. During two mornings, there will be 3 classes of 50 min each day.
April, 28th (Monday)
Class 1 (8h30-9h30): Introduction and general concepts (Prof. Alírio Rodrigues – University of Porto)
Class 2 (9h30-10h30): Fundamentals of mass transfer in adsorption (Prof. Célio Cavalcante - Federal University of Ceará - Brazil)
Class 3 (10h45-11h45): Biorrefinary (Prof. Eduardo Falabella Sousa-Aguiar – CENPES/Petrobrás – Brazil)
April, 29th (Tuesday)
Class 1 (8h30-9h30): Energetic characterization of carbons in aqueous solution (Prof. Juan Carlos Moreno-Piraján - Uniandes Bogotá - Colômbia)
Class 2 (9h30-10h30): Fixed bed dynamics (Prof. Moisés Bastos Neto - Universidade Federal do Ceará - Brasil)
Class 3 (10h45-11h45): Cyclic adsorption processes: SMB and PSA (Prof. Alírio Rodrigues - Universidade do Porto)