Working memory and its relationship with other memories



Working memory is a theoretical framework within cognitive psychology that refers to the structures and processes used for temporary storage and manipulation of information. The multicomponent model of working memory is one of the most studied models in research laboratories around the world.

The objective of this meeting is to congregate Brazilian researchers that have been conducting studies into working memory. The meeting will be held at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo, on the 17th and 18th of September of 2007.

Alan Baddeley, one of the authors of the multicomponent model, will give both the opening and closing lectures!


The official language of the meeting will be English, with no simultaneous translation available.

Organizing Committee*

Orlando Francisco Amodeo Bueno
Priscila Covre
Sabine Pompéia

*click here for publications on human memory from our research group

Scientific Committee
Maria Gabriela Menezes Oliveira
Orlando Francisco Amodeo Bueno
Paulo Henrique Bertolucci
Sabine Pompéia


Ana Luiza Zaninotto
Ana Maria Nogueira
Camila Cruz
Carolina M. J. de Toledo Pisa
Danyelly Piauilino
Giuliano Ginani
Ivanda Silva
Leonardo Vaz
Mariana Benassi-Werke
Thiago S. Rivero
Rafaela Larsen Ribeiro
Rosimeire Vieira da Silva
Silvia Bolognani
Simone Fuso
Thaís Barbosa

Financial Support



